Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 10/06/2015 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 10/06/15

Anne's Note reminds us that we all must face The Loss of a Friend. The main article, Waking Up is a Process, describes the steps we take in the process of waking up to life. Healthy Living reminds us to Avoid Toxic Clothing. The Anne Talk, on EZosophy, was given at Anne's spiritual home, the Creative Life Center, in August, 2015. The Featured Product this month is The I AM Affirmations Downloadable MP3 Audio.

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." – Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, October 6, 2015
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
A Note From Anne Healthy Living
Waking Up is a Process Anne Talks
Quotes Anne Art
Happy Birthday, Anne Anne's Schedule
Featured Product This Month Anne's Services
What is EZosophy
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Note From Anne

Dear ,

I’m sitting outside with my computer in my lap. Lucy, my dog, is asleep on the light dappled path. It seems so sweet, so perfect, but Saturday, the life of Donna Fry, a beautiful woman and friend, was honored. She must have gone quickly because they found her on the floor, fully dressed. She once told me that people with Type 1 diabetes have a reduced life span. She spent her life keeping her body healthy and living with that disease. Her life’s mission grew from that disease. She was a healer.

She was a mother, grandmother, and friend. She was a naturopath, nutritional consultant, and healer by profession. Donna was a dear and an avid Anne supporter. She promoted me in her heart and I could feel it. The sadness of losing a friend is not easy, but it’s one burden we each have to bear. The cost of loving has a price tag, because we will lose those we love, but it’s a price worth paying. Donna, wherever you are, this one’s for you. Go in peace.

Donna Fry, Anne's friend
My friend, Donna Fry


  Waking Up is a Process

Waking up is a process. It is not linear, and describing the unfolding of human consciousness varies from person to person, yet it can be helpful, to look at the process of waking up.

Just when I think I’ve exhausted the topic, another angle emerges. Here’s my latest understanding of how we move from misunderstanding to understanding, seeking to finding, intellect to wisdom, and from sleep to awareness.

Stage One - We are asleep, not literally, but closed to the richer, fuller life of being. We live through self-constructed hell realms. These realms are dominated by the underlying beliefs that I can never have what I want, I am bad, people are bad, life is always hard, life is not fair but it should be, you can’t win, relationships are ultimately doomed, the people I love leave me, everyone wants something from me, I can never live up to _______, and something is wrong with me.

Stage Two - The awakening comes when we realize that we have choice. We are the captain of our lives. I’m okay, you’re okay, life supports me, and I can change. Armed with this empowering information, we set out to construct a heaven realm. We read “the Secret.” We douse ourselves with optimism. We carefully choose our words and thoughts. We become positive thinkers, we set our mood, visualize, formulate goals, study and implement the law of attraction and the power of intention.

This marks the initial and important stage of awakening, but this is only a step.

Stage Three - Eventually we tire of being the watch dog of our minds and generating positive feelings, and we sense that there’s something more. We realize that what was initially a powerful awakening is now only a stepping stone in the master plan of our lives.

Stage Four - We deal directly with the hell realms and learn to be awake, aware, and safe in the presence of any emotion or content. We don’t have to change our minds or choose out of states. We can be present with them in a way that they no  longer have power over us. We no longer take ownership of content or emotions. They are energies passing through. We allow what is to exist, but not to be the guiding force of the moment.

Stage Five - As we continue to live in nonresistance, our minds are no longer occupied with Stage One manipulative techniques. We might use them from time to time, but they are no longer the grail. They are lowly servants of a vast creative force. We open to a wiser, more spacious realm of consciousness. It is a sacred realm. It is nondual since it is not run by the ego. The ego is always dualistic and seeks to right each wrong or wrong each right. In this phase we are not hounded by a need to achieve, improve, or grow. The drivenness of life subsides and there is clarity of action. It is here that freedom resides and here lies the peace that passes understanding.

These stages are not set in stone and one can slide in and out of them, but it can be helpful to understand that just as a caterpillar changes and finally emerges into a butterfly, we also transform from a contracted consciousness to a more open, freer being. There is no formula to awakening, no iron clad information that can catapult us into self-realization; consciousness moves on its own behalf in its own time. Be patient with life. Let it be as it is, because when you do, you will find that it can be EZier and EZier.



"Meditation is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Meditation keeps the mind fit."
— Anne Sermons Gillis

"The only effect of extreme effort to become that which I already am is that eventually I will drop to the ground exhausted and let go. In that letting go another possibility may arise. But the temptation to avoid freedom through the sanctification of struggle is very attractive. Struggle, in time, does not invite liberation.

Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to obtain except the realization that there is absolutely nothing to obtain."
— Tony Parsons

"We have friends in high places because we put them there. We do this with our hearts by respecting and valuing them. People usually live down to our lowest expectations. What is the value in thinking bad of others except that we get to elevate our opinion of ourselves? Is that what we really want?"
— Anne Sermons Gillis

  Happy Birthday, Anne

Friday, October 9, 2015, will be my 67th birthday. I asked my friend to write a blurb on Amazon for my books. People are reluctant to buy books that have no comments or testimonials. She suggested I ask people to do that for my birthday, so I’m asking you to comment on one of my books. Even if you haven’t read my whole book, you’ve read parts of each of them. They have been published in my weekly newsletter. You can say something short such as, “I find Anne’s writing inspirational, spot on, or practical.” Here’s the link for my books.

And, in addition, I am asking for a one dollar donation to the newsletter. No pressure; it’s an ask for what I want mission, with no strings attached.


  Featured Product This Month

The I AM Affirmations
MP3 Audio
by Anne Sermons Gillis

Click to learn about the I AM Affirmations CD, by Anne Sermons Gillis.
I AM Affirmations
Downloadable MP3 Audio

by Anne Sermons Gillis
Click here for info

The words we use with “I am’” are powerful. They create our day to day experience of life.

This Audio offers 24 minutes of uplifting I AM affirmations with a musical background.

Enjoy affirmations such as “I am lovable, I am healthy, I am joyful, and I am powerful.”

The affirmations are also spoken in the second person so as to experience what it feels to have others affirm your being. These affirmations include such thoughts as, “You are wise, you are generous, you are gentle and you are peaceful.” These are great to listen to as you fall off asleep, as you drive, work or meditate.

I AM Affirmations
Downloadable MP3 Audio - $7.99

Click here to learn more about the
I AM Affirmations Downloadable MP3 Audio.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click the graphic above to learn more.

NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

Avoid Toxic Clothing

Sometimes when I write my Healthy Living piece I imagine people saying, “We did this when we were kids and we turned out okay.” It feels like I’m a naysayer, and maybe I am, but some things we did when we were kids are not as safe as they were long ago. Can you imagine that the old neighborhood play ground is now filled with land mines? If they are there, wouldn’t you want to know about them? Our world has always had some version of landmines, but as time passes, old hazards give way to new ones.

The metaphysics of our health is simple. When we feel good about ourselves and life, we have a better chance at healthier living. Even though our attitude affects our health, it’s a good idea to avoid harmful chemicals when possible.

Have you ever thought about the harmful chemicals in your clothes? Do you often smell an odor when shopping in a fabric shop or clothing store? That new clothes smell is toxic chemicals. Always, always, always wash your clothes before you wear them, because they contain harmful chemicals.

If you want to avoid toxic chemicals, consider these suggestions:

  • Buy previously owned clothing. The chemicals have been washed out.
  • Do not purchase clothes that need to be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning leaves your clothes with toxic chemicals that should be called hazardous waste.
  • Avoid buying clothing that says “wrinkle resistant.” You cannot wash out the chemicals and they will continue to off gas toxins.
  • Do not buy clothes labeled “flame retardant.” Guess how they keep your clothes from burning? Chemicals.
  • Do not put your children in flame retardant pj’s. It should be considered a moral sin that manufacturers even make these for children.
  • Do not buy clothing with nano particles. Nano particles can cause free radicals; free radicals are an invitation for cancer. If a garment is labeled as containing nano-silver or nano-titanium dioxide, don’t buy it.
  • Forget clothing that is water- and stain-resistant and throw away any Safe Guard you may have!

If you are curious about buying safer products from head to toe, you may be interested in Magnifeco: Your Head-to-Toe Guide to Ethical Fashion and Non-toxic Beauty.

Toxic chemicals are like land mines; just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean that they are not there. Be wise when you shop and buy clothing that not only looks good on you, it is good for you.

  Anne Talks

Click to listen to Anne's talk on EZosophy.

In this Anne Talk Anne speaks on EZosophy at the Creative Life Center in Spring, Texas on August 20, 2015. This has been her spiritual home since 1999. This was her farewell talk to the group, since she and Jim are planning a move to Asheville, NC. Time: 52:08

  Anne Art

Click the image to see a larger view.
Click the image to see a larger view.

Click the image to see a larger view.
Click the image to see a larger view.

   Anne's Schedule

All times here are Central Time.

Call Anne to Schedule Your Meeting.

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775 or click the button below to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Click here to Schedule Anne.

  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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Anne Sermons Gillis
52 W. Tallowberry Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

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Editor & Publisher: Charles David Heineke of