Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 12/01/2015 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 12/01/15

Anne's Note reminds us how we can apply EZosophy during the Holiday Season to make our lives EZier. The main article, Fear Busting, gives us ways to successfully handle fear. Healthy Living talks about Energy Medicine and provides three practices to improve memory. The Anne Talk is Anne's Celebrate Life Meditation. The Featured Product this month is Anne's Special December 2015 Offer.

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." – Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, December 1, 2015
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
A Note From Anne Healthy Living
Fear Busting Anne Talks
Quotes Anne Art
Featured Product This Month Anne's Schedule
What is EZosophy Anne's Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Note From Anne

Dear ,

EZosophy is a great topic for the holidays. EZosophy is a great topic for the holidays. Everyone seems to experience holiday speedup and the extra activities as time gobblers. Since 80% of the work gets done in 20% of the time, we will most assuredly accomplish the essential tasks during these festive times.

Our home is still looking for its new family. She is like a kid waiting for adoption, and we hope her new family finds her soon. We are taking good care of her until her new family arrives. We are still Asheville bound and hope everyone will send us good vibes so we can be off in the near future. Our grand babies are growing fast and we want to be able to see them more than a few times a year. Take it EZ.


  Fear Busting

The world is fear-filled. Fear is big business. People hire body guards and indemnify themselves against potential loss. Fear is the media’s most effective sales representative. We have personal fears based on our past and our perceived inability to deal with what life hands us. The multigenerational transmission process doles out hand-me-down fear, or, to put it simply, we experience the fears from past generations.

Fear comes in unique disguises. Intense emotional pain, such as anger, often masks fear. Perfectionism is a frequent disguise for fear. It is the fear of being caught at being less than in some way. Sadness and bravado can be cover for our fears. but at some point in our lives, we must face our fears.

At one low point in my life, fear surfaced ’round every mental corner. I tried to fix it, outrun it, eat over it, shop over it, plaster a relationship over it. But one day, there was nothing left to do but face it. I stopped in my bedroom and literally turned around and said “Enough. I will not let you run my life anymore.” I sat down in a chair and just sat with the intensity. I sat for a very long time, my fear and me, and when I arose, I was in the driver’s seat of my life and fear was relegated to the back seat. It didn’t disappear. It tried to be a back seat driver, but I was in charge, and I could deal with my fear and not be run by it.

When the fear of staying where we are is larger than the fear of change, we begin to heal. Our courage rises to meet the demand that knocks on the doors of our lives. If you find yourself feeling the kind of fear that holds your life at bay, it may be time to fear bust.

Here are three suggestions to help you develop a fearless heart.

1. Start a fear busting journal, do the work, and go to the Field of Blessing.

Write down everything that bothers you. It can be finances, the world’s state of affairs, aging, or perhaps an undefinable, nameless rumble in your heart. Find out how you feel about it. “I am afraid that the market will fail, my investments will fail, and that I will be left penniless.” “I am so angry that my mate looks at other women with lust in his eyes.” “I am afraid of conservatives (or liberals).” “I’m afraid of dementia.” “I’m afraid I can’t lose weight.” I’m afraid I’ll gain weight.” Put words to your fears, which include irritation, anger, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, and depression.

Each day pick one item on your list of fears to work with. Journal on the following topics.

  1. The way I feel about it.
  2. The way my mother would have felt about this or a similar problem.
  3. The way my father would have felt about this or a similar problem.

Determine which fear is original and which fear is passed down from your ancestors. If either one of your parents have or had fear around the issue, it is an ancestral fear. Studies show that trauma can change our DNA, and the trauma can be passed down. When you have finished your fear journal, create an altar. Place pictures of your family members on your altar, including pictures of your parents, great grandparents, and so forth, back to nine generations. You will probably not have pictures, nor know their names, of all your ancestors. Just write each person’s name on a small piece of paper - great great grandmother, great great great grandfather, etc. Put any pictures you have and papers that represent each ancestor, on your altar and light a candle.

Image a large field. Mentally transport yourself to The Field of Blessing. (Click to read the story of the field of blessing. It's down the page quite a bit.) See all your family members and ancestors in the field. Call for their soul mold to be there with you in the field. Ask for a blessing of healing and release, to break the chains that bind fear to your ancestral family, your immediate family, and to you. Imagine a blessing, in the form of a white light blessing, surrounding your family and you. Feel it endowing you will a fearless heart. You can do this for as few as three minutes, but make sure you do this prayer-blessing for 30 days. After the first few days it is sufficient to go to the field with your family and see the white light blessing and healing everyone. Notice that as you receive daily family blessings, your fear level recedes as you become a brave heart.

2. Embody the Universal Principles of Wholeness.

These are the principles that guide and govern our souls. Imbibe them. Let them become beacons in the darkness of fear. These principles create the Doctrine of Immanent Safety.

Freedom exists now, regardless of external circumstances.

Safety exists now, regardless of external circumstances. Not the safety of the body but the essence of safety; the safety of the spirit or soul.

Love exists now, regardless of external circumstances.

Peace exists now, regardless of external circumstances.

Ease exists now, regardless of external circumstances.

Joy exists now, regardless of external circumstances.

Harmony exists now, regardless of external circumstances.

Abundance exists now, regardless of external circumstances.

There is a divine order for everything and every situation.

You are never alone.

3. Illuminate feelings and thoughts of safety.

Don’t follow your fears. Trust whatever is going on in this moment. Don’t make it wrong. Observe it. Witness it. Notice your reaction to the activity or circumstance. Let what is happening be on its own, without your definition or interference. If it is life-threatening, your instinct will take you out of harm’s way, but if it is just a situation you desire for something to be different, letting it be will release the story of suffering created from your desire.

Fear has an addictive nature. Fear is intense, seductive, and contagious. There are forms of fear that help us survive, but most fears are handed down or ego driven. It’s important that we do the work to remove the preexisting conditions of fear, that we eagerly live in the grace of soul safety, and it is imperative that we stop feeding the drama. And when we do, we find, that life can be EZier and EZier.



I found the following in some old notes from a class I taught. They are more than 20 years old, so the origin is fuzzy. Perhaps the ideas were taken from A Course in Miracles. They may even be my words summarizing some of the ideas from the Course, because the language is not Course style. Regardless of the origin, they are worthy of sharing.

"Survival is achieved by restriction. Happiness is achieved but undoing these restrictions."

"There are laws that govern our survival and laws that govern our souls. Universal laws are the laws that govern our being. Laws that govern the soul give us freedom and expansiveness of flight. They supersede the laws of the physical universe. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have gravity. It means when you follow the soul’s laws that you have miraculous results. Miracles are our natural way of being."

"We call the process of switching from laws that govern the physical to laws that govern the soul, spiritual growth."

  Featured Product This Month

Special December 2015 Offer $45

45 minute session with Anne for $45.00. Have a problem you need to discuss and need a professional ear? Need to complain about something you know you are not going to change; you just to get the upset off your chest? Want to make your life easier but don’t know where to start? Having relationship problems? Schedule Anne. You can pay during December but you have December, January, and February to schedule and you can schedule up to three sessions on this special. Normal rate $125.00. You save $75.00 per session! Call 281.419.1775 or 713.922.0242 or contact Anne at to schedule.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
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  Healthy Living

Energy Medicine

We hear more and more about energy these days. “I don’t have much energy.”  “This place has bad energy.” “I don’t like his energy.” We have a relatively new field called “energy medicine.” The practice of Reiki is widespread. See Energy Medicine on Oprah’s website, and Reiki on Wikipedia.

The world is waking up to the “meta”physical. Meta means beyond. From the mystic to the psychic, our energy fields are crackling! Everybody wants on board this powerful alternative field that brings better health, improved focus, and more energy.

Acupuncture is an oriental energy medicine. The doctor places needles into small energy points on the body to make stagnant energy flow. Acupressure is like acupuncture, but the practitioner uses their fingers to rub these points, rather than a needle.

The following are acupressure practices that help with memory, clarity, and focus.

These practices are taken from the Modern Reflexology website. You can find pictures on the site that pinpoint the exact spot, in case the directions are not clear to you. The site offers additional exercises for memory, but I find it’s easier to follow three practices than to try to work them all in.

Third Eye Point

Accessing the third eye point will help improve your concentration and memory. This point can be found directly between the eyebrows, where the forehead and bridge of the nose meet. Press this point for 3 to 4 minutes gently. Repeating it 2 to 3 times per day will uplift the spirit and clear your mind.

Sun Point

The sun point can be found in the depression of the temples. It is around one and half inches away from the eyebrows. Pressing this area will help to improve concentration and memory. It will also relieve you from headaches, dizziness, and mental stress. Place two fingers on each of your temples and apply slight pressure for 2 minutes. You can do this 3 times every day for the best results.

Middle of a Person

This point relieves you from cramps, fainting, dizziness, and memory loss. It also helps in strengthening concentration and memory power. Place your finger between the upper lip and nose. This is the middle of a person. Press this point firmly for a few minutes every day. It will be extremely effective if accessed for more than four weeks.

You might want to make three cards to place by your bedside, computer, or your favorite lounging chair. Put a description of each of the energy exercises on a card and practice them while watching TV, listening to music, or at your work desk. The cards also serve as a reminder that sparks our memory when we see them.


  Anne Talks

Click to listen to Anne's Celebrate Life Meditation.

Take a few minutes to listen to Anne's Celebrate Life Meditation. Time: 8:42

  Anne Art

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Click the image to see a larger view.

Click the image to see a larger view.
Click the image to see a larger view.

  Anne's Schedule

Call Anne to Schedule Your Meeting.

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775 or click the button below to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Click here to Schedule Anne.

  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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Editor & Publisher: Charles David Heineke of