Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 03/29/2016 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 03/29/16

Anne's Note shares First Easter with the Grans. The Main article, Non-attachment, reminds us that resignation and acceptance aren't the same thing. The Healthy Living article, Are You B12 Deficient?, suggests checking for signs of B12 deficiency. The Anne Talk, The Most Important Question, prompts you to consider Who Am I? The Featured Product this month is Anne's book, Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic.

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." – Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, March 29, 2016
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
A Note From Anne Healthy Living
Non-attachment Anne Talks
Quotes Anne Art
Featured Product This Month Anne's Schedule
What is EZosophy? Anne's Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Note From Anne

Dear ,

Today I return home from a wonderful trip to see my grands. I visited them for Easter. They are still a little too young to grapple the Easter Bunny scenario, but they do know what a bunny is. One of the local stores has a live rabbit display every year. We told the boys about going to see the bunnies, packed them up in the car, and headed out on our bunny quest. When we arrived, all the bunnies had been adopted. The boys were so fascinated by other items in the store, like the ceiling fans, that they didn’t notice the absentee bunnies. Later, after dinner, we came across three guitarists practicing. The boys stared at the guitars. These were the first musical instruments they had ever seen being played. One musician asked if we had a request, something they would enjoy. I said, “I don’t think so, unless you know Wheels on the Bus.” One musician started playing the song, the other two joined in, and soon we were all singing Wheels on the Bus.

Grandma, Daughter, and Twins

We didn’t see the bunnies, but hearing the song was every bit as good as seeing bunnies. Life is full of gifts. We expect bunnies, but life provides a concert. Too often we get upset when we don’t get what we expect, but the wise person realizes that if we allow life to provide, it will always come through. Expecting our good is helpful, but being attached to the form which our good takes causes suffering. Next time something doesn’t turn out the way you expected it, rather than grouse, try trusting that life will provide all the good you need, as you need it, because when you do, you will find that your life will be EZier and EZier.



"Attachment is binding; it lends an imaginary halo of attractiveness to the object of desire."
— Yogananda

Desires can motivate us, but the desire that leads to longing, is the birthplace of suffering. When we suffer over a desire, when we are attached to the outcome, we become like small children who have to have their way. Attachment leads to depression, anger, hopelessness, or fear.

Eastern teachers are quick to school their students in the practice of non-attachment. When we let things be the way they are without getting upset, we are practicing non-attachment. Acceptance is another word for non-attachment.

Preference is a non-attached desire. We want something to be a certain way, but if it is not what we prefer, we can still be happy. Over the years I’ve dealt with a slight scoliosis. The condition involves chiropractors, exercise, and massage. On rare occasions I have experienced debilitating pain. One day I was in my closet and my back “went out.” I could barely breathe or move. I stood slumped over and examined the pain. I went with it. I wondered if the same amount of peace and joy was available, even in this moment. I detached from the situation. Could I live the rest of my life with this level of pain? The answer was yes. I reached down to the still level and knew my life would be different if I remained in pain, but I could still lead a meaningful life. I felt at peace with the situation. Fortunately, the pain subsided and I remain relatively pain free. Naturally I prefer a pain free life, but what is, is what is. Resistance or attachment always leads to more suffering. When we get upset over physical pain, it’s the ego. When we are present with the pain, without attachment, we free up energy to deal with the situation and the pain. We don’t need to be in pain and have to deal with raging emotions at the same time. Let the emotions go.

Resignation and acceptance are not the same thing. True acceptance brings relief, while resignation brings pain and depression. Acceptance means allowing what is, to be what is, without resentment, longing, or sadness. Some people are scripted to be resigned. They believe life does not work on his or her behalf. Short term resignation is not harmful; it leads to short term suffering, but long term resignation is tragic. Long term resignation requires counseling, coaching, or therapy. Sometimes it takes another person help us see through our life defining lies.

Non-attachment is not the western way to deal with pain, but it is actually easier than the traditional ways of constantly sifting through our emotions. Non-attachment is not about denial; it is about breakthrough – breaking through emotions and going deeper into reality.

The following affirmative thoughts lead us away from attachment and toward freedom:

  • I like it when things go my way, but I’m safe and okay when things don’t go my way.
  • I am pleased with life and can deal with things as they come up.
  • I accept the things I cannot change.
  • I can have my way, but I don’t always have to have my way.
  • I am not attached.
  • I trust that the higher good is always working out, even if I cannot see it.
  • I have preferences, but I am not attached to having everything my way.
  • I am not selfish or selfless. I value myself, but I can always do without having things and still value who I am.
  • I have compassion for others whose needs are greater than mine. In this moment they may need more attention and care than I, but I can always get the attention and care I need when the time is right.
  • I am relaxed about feeling uptight.
  • I am detached from my attachment.



"All you ever had to do to be free of suffering is to turn your attention away from the mind, away from what is not real, and onto the present moment."
— Gina Lake

"Come to know the one who watches the voice and you will come to know one of the great mysteries of creation."
— Michael A. Singer

"We even have to-do lists for being spiritually better. I need to be more aware or present. I need to be less judgmental. I need to find my life’s purpose. I need to be more intuitive. I need to be more compassionate. I need to have a deeper experience of Oneness. Spiritual teachings are mostly descriptions of our true nature and affirm that we already are what we are seeking, and yet spiritual seekers often turn such teachings into prescriptions for how to achieve a better reality."
— Nirmala

  Featured Product This Month

Click to learn about Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic: Making Life Easier Through Innovative Prayer By Anne Sermons Gillis.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
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NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

Are You B12 Deficient?

My friend Judy said that all older people should take a vitamin B12 supplement. I smiled at her, bought a bottle, and starting taking B12 on an irregular basis. The other day I saw a teaser, resting near an article on the ten worst botched facelifts, on what your fingernails say about your health. It was a good day for a “nail reading” because I have ridges in my nails. I casually pulled up the online piece. The article relayed that if you have ridges in your fingernails and no moons on the bottom of your nails, you could bet your sweet bippy you have a B12 deficiency. The thumb is the last nail to lose its moon.

I looked at my moonless nails and, sure enough, my thumbs still had their moons. Darn. Symptoms of low B12 include feeling exhausted, sensitivity to noise, depression, and memory problems, and that’s the short list.

So how do I get enough B12 in my food? Try beef liver, mackerel,  sardines, milk, and eggs. Vegans and vegetarians can eat fortified cereals, whatever that means, but best to add try B12 in the form of methylcobalamin. So if you eat a lot of meat, you probably have enough B12; of course, you might die of heart failure. That was tongue and cheek; forgive me.

B12 is a vitamin I know little of, but if you have receding moons on your fingernails and ridges on your finger nails, you will want to check into your B12 levels. You can take B12 shots, but be sure they are not made of synthetic chemical soup, or you can take B12 sublingually (dissolved under the tongue, to go directly into the blood stream) or in tablets. This article doesn’t give you all the information you need to make an informed choice; it is written to encourage you to check further if you suspect a B12 deficiency.

  Anne Talks

Click to watch Anne's video The Most Important Question.

Today's Anne Talk is her brief reminder about The Most Important Question. Time: 0:54. Click the image above to go to the video page, and then click above the black line on the right of the screen to reveal the video player. Then press the Play button to watch.

  Anne Art

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Click the image to see a larger view.

  Anne's Schedule

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  Anne's Services

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Editor & Publisher: Charles David Heineke of