Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 04/05/2016 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 04/05/16

Anne's Note shares about Releasing My Home. The Main article, Bliss Practice, provides some ideas on how we can relax and allow bliss to fill our life. The Healthy Living article, Feel The Love, describes the benefits of The Love Frequency, 528 Hz. The Anne Talk, Peace Of Mind Forever, gives a tip on slowing down the mind in order to allow peace within. The Featured Product this month is Anne's book, Standing in the Dark.

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." – Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, April 5, 2016
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
A Note From Anne Healthy Living
Bliss Practice Anne Talks
Quotes Anne Art
Featured Product This Month Anne's Schedule
What is EZosophy? Anne's Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Note From Anne

Dear ,

I'm settled back into my routine. I'm missing my grandkids and am getting more and more motivated to sell our home so I can be closer to them. New homes for sale near Asheville pop up daily in my online search. We used to just stick a for sale sign in front of our homes and hope for the best. Now, selling a home is sophisticated. There are professional photographers, savvy Realtors, colorful yard signs, fancy brochures, an online web page, market analysis, and all kinds of advertising.

I bought my first home when I was twenty. I've owned ten houses in my life and, as excited as I have been to move on, there's always the sadness of leaving a place I've cherished and a place that's nurtured me. Regardless of the size of my home or the quality of the neighborhood, there's always a special relationship with my house. It's like an extension of me. It's a space that supports me, a place where I feel safe and can relax.

I'm okay leaving our home, but it does take releasing and allowing, since I don't know what kind of home I will be relocating to. This is where trust replaces the need to control. I have to trust that the perfect home waits for Jim, Lucy, and me. Maybe you could put in a little prayer for us to sell soon and find the perfect spot. A little help from my friends is always welcomed! Thanks. If you want to take a look, here's the link, and if you know someone who wants a nice home in The Woodlands, Texas, let me know.


  Bliss Practice

It is typical to live life as a to-do list. Our lists direct us to do life maintenance, earn a living, clean and clear our emotions, fix humanity, or clean up the planet. The lists are endless and drive us to do more to fix our lives, personalities, and bodies. While we must maintain our lives and act in ways that sustain our relationships with others and the earth, these activities deplete us if they are not sourced by the Great Stillness.

There is a bliss that radiates from the spiritual heart. Every thought and feeling, touched by this bliss, is sweetened. When the Presence of Stillness guides us, thought becomes secondary. Thoughts become like children, who are obedient to their parent, the light. Spiritual practices prime the pump of bliss.  These practices slow the mind and allow the ever-present light to shine through our emotions and thoughts. Thought no longer bends the mind; it becomes the servant of peace.

Some say that we can do nothing to reach this state of peace. It occurs naturally through grace and by grace alone. This bliss, the deep peace, seems like an accident, but others say that our intention, our study, our practices, and our service make us accident prone.

These practices and thoughts, that lead us not into temptation (doing what is counter to our highest good) and deliver us from evil (ego), are as follows:

  • Foster an ongoing belief that there is a benefit to keeping the mind still and focusing on the present. Being resolute in the understanding that the mind is not our strongest ally; it is only the servant to the Great All. Then focus on the present and cease meaningless trains of thought. This requires that we stay aware of what we are thinking.
  • Practice emotional and mental peace and allow Radical Presence to emerge. Skip the action movies and intense video games. Give up that angry righteous political attitude. Create an environment conducive to a peaceful life. Listen to soul nourishing music.
  • Practice continual subjugation of the ego through humility and surrender.
  • Contemplate and read sacred words. Read books with living words and let them inspire the heart and illuminate the mind.
  • Take care of the physical world. This includes our bodies and our living spaces. When we live in chaos, it drains the mind and creates life stagnation.

It is not as if we have to use the above measures to access the Living Whole, there are many paths to peace and bliss; however, these activities open us to a depth of living that feeds who we are. These behaviors and ideas supplant the restlessness of the mind and replace the endless searching.

Can we give as much time to developing our bliss as we do baking a cake or getting our oil changed? Growing up physically occurs naturally, but growing up spiritually requires us to free That which we have restricted. Business can go on as usual: we can still be productive, but when we live and move and have our being in the depth of our lives, we find that life becomes EZier and EZier.



"It dawned on me couple days ago that it's been so hard for me to relax and let go, be still, quiet, to heal 'cause that's just not the American Way! Everything screams, nudges, shames, tells us to Get Moving! Get in Shape! Work it Out! I didn't realize just how much that had sunk in."
— Francie Rose

"It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see."
— Henry David Thoreau

"Listen to the voice of silence and speak without words."
— Anne Sermons Gillis

  Featured Product This Month

Standing in the Dark
by Anne Sermons Gillis

Click to learn about Standing in the Dark, by Anne Sermons Gillis
Standing in the Dark
by Anne Sermons Gillis
Click here for info

Anne's book, Standing in the Dark, is a salve for the out-of-control mind. In a high-speed society that forces time to do double-time and stuffs minds with inestimably complex information, we need mental medicine. Popular mind-bending methods encourage us to come up with the highest thoughts, to be positive and powerful, and to live our passion. Yet that which is the highest is beyond what words can touch.

One may use thoughts in constructive ways and think higher thoughts, yet one must be aware that the mind plays little tricks on itself to calm itself down. Trickery is okay, but the whole idea of choosing our thoughts and our lives is an intermediary step. Through choice we learn to gain control of our minds and lives, so that at some point we can surrender the mechanism that chooses.

Standing in the Dark explores the deep issues of life, which include relationships, health, money, loss, mission, and making life easier. This is not a positive thinking book. It looks at uncomfortable topics such as losing your best friend or being robbed at gunpoint. It points out that life can be bumpy, even when we live in the flow. You will leap from the practical to the possible, and hopefully land in the mystical.

Standing in the Dark turns ordinary moments into sacred moments and lights the darkest corners of existence. The words hold hands with the human heart and allow the readers to embrace their humanity. This book heals the heart by letting you know it was never really broken, you are fine the way you are, and life itself is as it should be.

Relax. All is well.

Standing in the Dark can be purchased
in Kindle format or paperback.

Click here for more information.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
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NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

Feel The Love

It all started when I found a young adults book written by a fiction writer I admired. It turns out I really like young adult sci-fi. I've been down the young adult sci-fi rabbit hole for about two months now. When an online friend offered a preview of her upcoming visionary young adult fiction book, The Game, I downloaded my copy immediately. You can get the Kindle version for only 99 cents and it's a good read full of mind-stretching ideas.

The book made reference to the love frequency, and, being a lover of sounds, I looked it up. Dr. Leonard Horowitz claims that 528 hertz is the love frequency. His answer to the question "Who am I?" is "You are a digital, bio-holographic, precipitation, crystallization, miraculous manifestation, of Divine frequency vibrations coming out of Water. Get it? You are the MUSIC!"

I am only a low grade skeptic, and things that are off-putting to others are often music to my ears. This 528 hertz frequency hypothesis piqued my interest. I attend a sound meditation most Wednesdays and I know how relaxing and refreshing sounds and tones can be. Some people say the 528 hertz tones can repair your DNA. I can't vouch for that, but after listening to the sounds for a couple of days, I do feel the love!

While traditional medicine offers miraculous opportunities for healing, it also fails in many situations. Medical meddling is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US. Don't get me wrong; I am happy we have modern day medicine, but, as with anything, there is not just one answer or approach to every problem. Doctors use ultra-sound to detect babies and disease, but might they be overlooking the healing potential of sound? It's time to get out of the medical model box and explore other avenues of health and healing.

YouTube is full of music and sounds containing the 528 hertz tone. Try listening and see for yourself if you find the tone enlivening. Here's a link to the 528 hertz tone alone, which is good to play in the back ground as you go about your day, and here's one with music.

  Anne Talks

Click to watch Anne's video Peace Of Mind Forever.

Today's Anne Talk is a brief reminder about Peace Of Mind Forever. Time: 0:52. Click the image above to go to the video page, and then click above the black line on the right of the screen to reveal the video player. Then press the Play button to watch.

  Anne Art

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Click the image to see a larger view.

Click the image to see a larger view.
Click the image to see a larger view.

  Anne's Schedule

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  Anne's Services

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Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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52 W. Tallowberry Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

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Editor & Publisher: Charles David Heineke of