Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 06/21/2016 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 06/21/16

Anne's Note talks about Games People Play. The Main article, The Universe is Out to Get You, reminds us that life doesn't have to be a struggle because the Universe is on our side. The Healthy Living article, Protect the Birds, provides practical ways we can help our feathered friends. The Anne Talk, Maintaining Life, is another example of how practicing EZosophy makes our lives EZier. The Featured Product this month is Anne's first book, Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic.

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." – Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, June 21, 2016
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
A Note From Anne Healthy Living
Main Article
Anne Talks
Quotes Anne Art
Featured Product This Month Anne's Schedule
What is EZosophy? Anne's Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Note From Anne

Games People Play

Dear ,

I return home tonight from Florida. I have visited 3 states in 2 weeks. I wish everyone could travel. Traveling to different countries educates us, but even traveling within the U.S. gives us a different set of eyes. Seeing different life styles and ways of living is illuminating. People have narrow viewpoints, open view points, and mixed viewpoints.

I prefer to keep my political viewpoints private unless I know the person I am with shares similar values. I am always surprised at how openly people share criticism when they do not know the values of those around them. In the 1960's Transactional Analysis offered a model to classify human interactions. The transactions were called games. A game is a predictable set of exchanges and or behaviors. One of the games people love to play is called, "Ain't it Awful." One person talks about how bad certain actions, other people, or viewpoints are and the other often agrees and provides more supporting information on how bad it or things are. The purpose of games is always the same. Games thwart intimacy and people walk away from a gamey interaction feeling lousy. When I play this game with another, I feel as if I am gossiping about life itself in a very unkind way.

Maybe we need a new game, one where people walk away feeling better about life, rather than defeated. We could call the game "Ain't it Awesome" or "Ain't it Wonderful." We could talk about how good things are going. In addition to positive thinking, maybe we need powerful thinking. We need the kind of thinking that takes the burden out of life and adds a little mystery. We need the kind of thinking that doesn't feed on drama. What would it be like to stop our running commentaries on how bad things are politically, economically, and in our personal lives? We do not have to be in denial to purposely chose not to be angry righteous or condescending toward others and their viewpoints or toward life itself. We are called to peace and gentleness, and if we answer the call, it's a sure thing, life will change for the better, and it will become EZier and EZier.


  Main Article

The Universe is Out to Get You

When the movie, The Secret, came out, there were several reactions. People were excited, fascinated, with the idea of creating their destinies. They discovered that life is not a series of misfires or luck. Our lives reflect our thoughts, dreams, and emotions. Life does not occur at the pleasure of a whimsical universe or a harsh God. For some this idea was liberating, for others depressing, and to others it was blasphemy.

Many people already knew the secret. It wasn't a real secret. Metaphysicians rejoiced as the age old philosophy showed up on Larry King, Oprah, and in mainstream America. Finally, people can be at choice and have the power to live meaningful lives.

Many of those same metaphysicians simultaneously stepped back, sensing not only opportunity but also pitfalls: "OMG, now everyone knows the secret to creating more junk and having access to another path to greater narcissism. As our planet mourns her ability to sustain life, some of our best minds will become absorbed in getting more power, things, appreciation, and approval. While sea levels rise, egos run amok. We have justice issues, human rights issues, and hoards who suffer spiritually. Most haven't even experienced their true identities. We don't need more dream houses, status cars, and soul mates. We need life. We may not save all human life, but we must find out who we are. We need to know what life is. We need something that reveals that which fulfills, that which stops the chattering mind, that which dissolves endless desire and suffering."

What a mystery this secret - two sides of the same coin: one empowers; the other destroys. For some the secret is a bridge to life and for others it is a detour into spiritual and physical materialism. Those who walk the bridge and realize the dangers of personal power choose to move closer to the truth, even when they don't know where they are going, much less where they are. The secret carries spiritual casualties, but many survive and begin to experience the other secret, the real secret. That which is apparent is often the thing most overlooked. A Course in Miracles puts this aptly: "Simplicity is difficult for twisted minds." Spiritual seekers chase the dream of enlightenment while overlooking what life offers and the sweetness of the present eternal life.

That's the other secret. We are standing in the midst of what we are looking for, but, like two year olds, we don't stay still long enough to see what's before us, in us, and what is operating through us. Fortunately, unlike some religious teachings, the Truth and Unconditional Love hold no animosity toward those who don't wake up. Just like parents wait patiently for their children to finish playing, the Universe stands by with open arms, ready for our awakening.

Life is a winner take all situation, and we are all the winners. Life gives all, and until we awaken to this truth, it is a mystery, but life will send its messengers to help us unravel the mystery. No matter where we are in our journey, or what's happening on a day to day basis, the Universe is conspiring on our behalf.

The Universe is out to get us. It is present and can lift every burden, bring peace and satisfaction, and illuminate all of life. The Universe is on our side and by our side, with these words, "Tag. You're it." And when we realize we are "it," the abundant nature of life reveals itself. When we truly understand and trust the beneficence of life, we can always be sure that our lives will get EZier and EZier.



"Our egos experience life through a cycle of fear and craving instead of letting go and going on."
— David Richo

"My cause is a be cause. I don't want to be all that I can be. No army for me. If I spent my life being all that I could be, would I have anytime left to enjoy my life – to live my life?"
— Anne Sermons Gillis

"Words can be so helpful. They can take us far, but words aren't the master; we are. We can take a perfectly good word, deliver it with sarcasm, and the word seems tainted. We can use a word to uplift or support. We can change the tone of our words and make even the most innocent word a bullet."
— Anne Sermons Gillis

"What kind of master do you want be? Will you be a benevolent word master or a cruel word lord?"
— Anne Sermons Gillis

  Featured Product This Month

Click to learn about Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic: Making Life Easier Through
Innovative Prayer By Anne Sermons Gillis.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click the graphic above to learn about EZosophy.

NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

Protect the Birds

The other day I saw a grey heron catching fish. I watched for a few minutes. She hunted with grace, patience, and precision. I've gone bird counting for the past five years with a bird knowledgeable friend. Each year,  during the same three  days in February, thousands of Americans count birds. It's called "The Great Backyard Bird Count." It's a wonderful experience, especially since my friend knows the names and calls of most of the birds, but I've noticed each year there are  fewer birds to count. My friend says migration is hard on them. They live on the edge and they have to eat large amounts of food every day. Watching little Miss Heron reminded me of the tenuous life of a bird in today's world.

We can help our feathered friends survive by making their lives easier. Below is a list things almost anyone can do to ensure we don't have a silent spring.

  • Plant a variety of native plants. This provides shelter and material to build their nests.
  • Put out a bird feeder. Use only high quality, high proteins seeds. Fill it daily.
  • Use hummingbird feeders and follow feeder directions for the correct mixture of sugar and water for the birds.
  • Put stickers or hang objects on big plate glass windows so birds won't fly into them.
  • In the early spring put out strands of string and yarn for nest building.
  • Get an outdoor running water device with a shallow bowl for bird drinking and bathing stations. Change the water every two or three days.
  • Create a bird habitat only if you don't have a cat. If you attract birds, but have a cat hunting and killing them, you've only added to the problem.
  • Americans use 70 million pounds of pesticides each year on their lawns. It kills insects and insects are bird food. Skip the pesticides and herbicides. They percolate into the ground and end up in our rivers, where they kill fish. They poison our worms as well. Healthy worms help maintain and enrich our soil and they provide food for the birds.
  • Don't feed the ducks bread crumbs. Ducks can't process human food and they end up being malnourished. Getting friendly with humans may keep them from protecting themselves from predators.

Let's help our little bird friends not only survive; let's help them thrive. Humans are responsible for habitat loss, air pollution, polluted groundwater, and a host of other things that make it hard for birds to live. Let's all pitch in to provide assistance to these wonderful beings.

  Anne Talks

Click to listen to Anne's video Maintaining Life.

Today's Anne Talk is Maintaining Life. It's another example of how practicing EZosophy makes our lives EZier. Time: 0:52.

Click the image above to go to the video page, and then click above the black line on the right of the screen to reveal the video player. Then press the Play button to watch.

  Anne Art

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Click the image to see a larger view.

Click the image to see a larger view.
Click the image to see a larger view.

  Anne's Schedule

All times here are Central Time.

Sunday, July 17, 2016
11 AM Service: "Creating Ease"
Unity of Brazosport
507 S. Brooks St. (Hwy 36)
Brazoria, TX 77422
Phone: 979-798-4171

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  Your Next Meeting with her.

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  Anne's Services

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Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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52 W. Tallowberry Dr.
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Editor & Publisher: Charles David Heineke of