Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 01/17/2017 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ
Published: Tue, 01/17/17
Anne's Note today shares how she is Surviving Winter. The Main article, Waking Up From Surviving to Thriving, shows us how to wake up to our true reality and thrive. The Healthy Living article, Fresh is Best, provides tips on eating organic and avoiding pesticides. Today's Anne Talk, Powerful Use of Affirmations, shares an EZ way to use affirmations for our benefit. The Featured Product this month highlights Anne's Four Books. Click here to learn about Anne's newest book, Words Make a Difference. The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." – Anne Sermons Gillis |
EZ Secret Newsletter
EZosophy, January 17, 2017
In This Issue | |
In the Left Column: | In the Right Column: |
A Note From Anne | Healthy Living |
Main Article | Anne Talks |
Quotes | Anne Art |
Featured Product This Month | Anne's Schedule |
What is EZosophy? | Anne's Services |
Contact Information:
Phone: 281-419-1775
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A Note From Anne
Surviving Winter
Dear ,
I made it through the winter of 2017 in The Woodlands, Texas. It lasted from January 4th through the 7th. People here are a little miffed when we have a deep freeze (22°) because our tropical outdoor plants die, yet we are excited to wear that heavy coat for a few days, and in awe of the cold, fresh air.
Jim, my husband, played in his band, Guitar Geezers, on Wednesday night. It was his best performance. Got to hand it to a 70 year-old who brushes off his teenage dreams and stands weak-kneed before an audience and sings and plays his guitar. It was another Col. Sanders moment. Remember, the Colonel called on an inestimable number of people before he found backing for his grandma's recipe. The kicker was that he was in his mid-60's when he made that happen.
I was so inspired that I drug out my ukulele and cut my fingernails. I know three cords. As with Brylcreem, a little dab will do you, Jim assures me that three cords will take me a long way. You got to listen to this Brylcreem ad. It's priceless.
Main Article
Waking Up From Surviving to Thriving
The evolutionary impulse is to survive. We spend a tremendous amount of energy on surviving, but it's wasted energy, because we have already survived. For most of us, there's no imminent threat of death. It's the same as spending extensive amounts of energy trying to get to Texas when we are standing in the Alamo. We're not in Kansas anymore; we're in Texas. Self-realization is the recognition that we are already where we want to be.
It's time to wake up to the truth. The following are the stages of waking up from our sleeping state. We are not literally asleep; it is our awareness that sleeps. Our awareness awakens when:
- We recognize the role of ego driven suffering (EDS) in our lives and our false identification with that suffering. We become aware that we substituted this false identification for our identities.
- We recognize that suffering is the base of safety for the ego (egoic mind).
- We break our desire for the collective unconscious pattern of suffering.
- We watch the mind and break into an unobstructed, unlimited sense of ease and well-being. We develop a desire for this state of freedom. It is imperative to be aware of what we are thinking and feeling so we can break free of the energetic patterns of upset and limits.
It is vital we stop thinking we are our thoughts, our emotions, our actions, our bodies, or our past. We cannot enter the quantum field of potentiality, the ground of our being, if we obstruct our view with ego driven suffering. We must let go of suffering.
We have to let go of judging, being right, criticizing ourselves and others, correcting others, and pandering to our fear. These are the road blocks to the Self. It's time to step up, step out, and step into our good. Don't be stashin' your passion. Don't use your limits as an excuse to do nothing. Rise in the love and ease that you are. Be present. Be gentle and kind. Be compassionate. Surrender to love. Claim these words and make them true for you: "All situations, traumatic memories, all loss and sense of abandonment are healed in mind, body, and consciousness. All negative, lingering effects from the past are immediately transformed and used for my good and the good of others."
Vitality comes from reality, not from addictive patterns of spending, thrills, greed, or false powers. These patterns are idols, false gods. Relax into the true EZ of Being.
Contemplate these words: "My reality is blessed with vitality, and I release all ego driven struggle, suffering, stress, strife, and strain and emerge into the Light of Being."
Suffer not; step into life; engage in your good. Life is fresh, alive, and exciting and always EZier when we move from me, to we, to Thee. The journey from narcissism to altruism, from struggle to EZ, and from fear to love, call to us in each moment. It's time to answer that call, and when we do, everything is EZier and EZier.
Affirmations for EZier Living
Financial blessings flow everywhere I go.
My mind is an ever-expanding repository of creative ideas.
"We can live from our fragilities or thrive in our strengths. We can guard our limits or free our possibilities. We can sit in judgment or stand in compassion. We can cater to our egos or arise in our spirits."
-- Anne Sermons Gillis
"Only the mind can bring the past to life. Is that really what we want?"
-- Anne Sermons Gillis
Featured Product This Month
Anne's Four Books
Words Make A Difference
Standing in the Dark
EZosophy: The Art and Wisdom of
Easy or At Least Easier Living
Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic
Click here to check out Anne's newest book, Words Make A Difference, a book of affirmations, action plans, and deep insights into the human consciousness that transforms and heals the soul, the local and global community, and the planet. Travel with Gillis on a journey through deep psychology, metaphysics, and nondualism.
What is EZosophy?
Click the graphic above to learn about EZosophy.
NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.
Healthy Living
Fresh is Best
My husband walked in today with what he thought was a new find. He had two bottles of organic lemon in glass bottles. He knows not to buy acidic things that come in plastic containers and was disappointed when I gave the juice a thumbs down. "What's wrong with it? It's organic!" I explained that when you can or bottle a food, the enzymes die. The live enzymes are the most valuable part of our food. I read the label and, sure enough, it was pasteurized. Pasteurization means the food was either heated (cooked) or irradiated. Irradiated means it was exposed to radiation. I may be the only one, but I don't like nuclear food.
We can't always eat fresh, but when we can, fresh is best. Enzymes are magic. We only get live enzymes from fresh foods. That's one reason why juicing is so effective. It bombards the body with lots of live enzymes. Enzymes feed, heal, and restore the cells. Much of the food we eat, think processed foods, never makes it to the cells. The composition of processed food is so foreign to the body that it freaks out when we eat it, and then tries to get rid of it. Where does it go? To fat cells and joints.
While there are many nonorganic foods that are okay to eat, there are many conventionally grown foods that harbor large amounts of poisons. Each year someone, maybe it's the grand food poobah, comes out with a list of foods that have the most poisons. The Environmental Working Group 2016 list includes the Clean 15 Foods and the The Dirty Dozen (relating to pesticides) produced by agribusiness. While eating fresh is better than eating canned or bottled foods, it's best to avoid the nonorganic dirty dozen foods listed by the EWG. People often say that something is going to kill you anyway, but maybe being slowly poisoned by unhealthy cancer forming foods is not the best way to go. Just saying. Happy, healthy eating. There's plenty of good food for all of us.
If you have any healthy living tips for the newsletter, send them to me at
Anne Talks
Powerful Use of Affirmations
Today's Anne Talk is Powerful Use of Affirmations. Anne shares an EZ way to use affirmations for our benefit. Time: 3:06.
Anne Art
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Anne's Schedule
All times here are Central
unless otherwise specified.
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You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775 or click the button below to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.
Anne's ServicesNeed a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too. To subscribe to Anne's weekly newsletter, click the Subscribe button below. If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, you can UNsubscribe by clicking this link. If this newsletter inspires you or touches you in some way, please consider donating to help keep the EZ message going out to the world. Donations may be sent to: Anne Sermons Gillis Or click to send via PayPal. Or call Anne at 281.419.1775 or 713. 922.0242 and she can take any form of credit card over the phone. Share this newsletter with someone who'd appreciate it. Disclaimer: Some links in this newsletter may be
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